Creating and Engaging Young Professionals and Leaders in Greensboro since 1936

Greensboro Jaycees Vision

To be the most transformative and influential membership organization for ambitious young professionals and leaders in Greensboro.

Greensboro Jaycees Mission

1. To create opportunities for members to become more confident and independent.

2. To run fun and fulfilling projects where members can form lasting friendships.

3. To foster constructive and continuous dialogue between members and community leaders.

4. To make significant contributions to programs and projects that enrich the community socially and economically.

Greensboro Jaycees Values

Community: We believe that change should start at the local level.

Peace: We believe that lasting change is sustained by collaboration and consent.

Diversity: We believe in consciously building teams with different backgrounds and points of view.

Inclusion: We believe that sustainable change must be created with input from all stakeholders.

Autonomy: We believe in the rights of freedom of speech and self determination for all people.

Justice: We believe that everyone should be treated equally by the law.

Service: We believe that service to humanity is the best work of life!


Membership Meeting

Monthly Meetups

The Junior Chamber provides opportunities for members to plan, lead, and participate in projects that improve their communities at our meetings held the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30PM at TransformGSO in Downtown Greensboro.

Helping Future Generations

The Greensboro Jaycees invest both time and money improving local K-12 and college programs.

Civic Engagement

The Jaycees have sponsored the Guilford County Schools employee of the month for the past three years!

Community Partnerships

The Jaycees have partnered with the local immigrant and refugee community groups to help make Greensboro the most welcoming city!

Family Friendly Activities

Jaycee projects can be fun for the whole family!

Outdoor Excursions 

You never know where a Jaycees adventure will take you!

Competition for Fun

The Jaycees have partnered with local Kiwanis clubs to host casino nights for non-profits!

Become a member today!